If you want your little one to get off on the right foot, you need to give him the head start he needs to succeed.
Education is one of the best tools to help make a child successful. Whether you’re a toddler or an adult, one of the most valuable things you can do in the educational process is to read.
Once your child reaches school, he will be taught to read at the kindergarten level. While it’s important for your child to succeed in reading at this age, learning how to read before this age is of vital importance- after all, being able to read at an early stage will provide your child with the skills he needs for lifelong learning.
Don’t wait to teach your child to read until he’s in kindergarten. As a parent, it’s your job to instill in your son or daughter the love of reading from a very early age.
One of the best tools you can use to help your child learn how to love to read – and to excel at it! – is Reading Head Start. If you’re a parent, this program will not only quell any fears you have about your child not being able to learn how to read, but it will give him or her the jumpstart they need to succeed in school.
In our Reading Head Start Review, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about this revolutionary new program.
What Is Reading Head Start?
Reading Head Start is a one-of-a-kind digital program that is designed to improve your child’s reading skills. Each process is broken down into clear, actionable steps – with four separate phases to keep things nice and simple.
It doesn’t require a lot of effort on your part, either. As a parent, Reading Head Start only requires you to spend about fifteen minutes each day walking your child through the learning processes. In most cases, that’s less time than what you will spend making dinner!
Once your child completes each phase, he will be issued a personalized certificate of completion. Your child will feel good about what he accomplished, which can boost his morale and self-esteem. No participation trophies there, though – your child actually has to make it through the steps in order to receive a reward.
The program includes techniques that are redesigned to improve your child’s phonemic awareness and skills development. He will learn important sound-association skills, learning strategies like rhyme and rhythm. It will be fun for your child to progress through these steps, too, with interactive activities that are tailored to the age of your own child.
An integral system, it improves all aspects of reading ability, including speed, comprehension, and even speech. It can even be used by children who do not speak English as their first language.
The program has several unique techniques, each of which helps foster a love of reading. Reading Head Start makes literacy fun and enjoyable, and can even help to improve your child’s social skills with peers and adults. Your child will also develop important communication and linguistic skills, growing their vocabulary as they learn how to interact with others.
Perhaps most importantly, Reading Head Start will boost your child’s self-esteem and confidence in his ability. It will ensure that your child’s brain is developing and learning how to process information at the optimal levels, too.
Who Is Sarah Shepherd?
Reading Head Start was created by Sarah Shepherd, an award-winning professional teacher herself. After Shepherd became aware of the reading problems and limitations that her own child had, she was inspired to create Reading Head Start to help her own young ones.
Because of Shepherd’s unique and intimate background with reading difficulties, this program is unlike any others that are on the market. It wasn’t developed by a team of scientists working in a lab with controlled studies, nor was it developed by people who have never actually worked with children – or struggling readers – themselves.
Instead, this program was developed by someone who had seen the real nature of reading difficulties, up close and personal – and who cared deeply about the results. You can rest assured that, when you purchase Reading Head Start, you won’t be investing in a simple, ineffective marketing gimmick. You’ll be purchasing a product that really works, and that really matters.
What Will You Learn From Reading Head Start?
Reading Head Start isn’t just helpful for your child – it’s also incredibly beneficial for parents. After all, you likely want to do everything you can to get your child off to the best start. By working through Reading Head Start with your child, you will gain the skills necessary to help your son or daughter succeed.
When you work through this program, you will learn how to help your children excel at reading even if they aren’t exactly interested. You can help your child become interested in reading no matter where his or her other interests lie.
You’ll also learn how you can improve your child’s success in school, along with a helpful list of “dos’ ‘ and “don’ts’ ‘ so that you don’t ruin the likelihood of your child’s success. The program is even helpful for parents of children with learning disabilities like dyslexia – you’ll learn strategies that will help your child succeed no matter what.
You can even learn ways to work with the education system, developing an understanding of what teaching practices are not helpful and why most are entirely obsolete in the modern age. You’ll learn unique strategies to help build your child’s self-esteem, and you’ll even learn how you can teach your child better pronunciation of everyday vocabulary.
In order for Reading Head Start to be successful, you will need to commit to fifteen minutes a day, three days a week. This amount of work will not only be rewarding, but will help your child learn exactly what they can do, too.
Your child will be able to interact with a diverse assortment of learning tools including Sounds Out Cards, Advanced Phonics Cards, Irregular Word Cards, Picture Cards, Letter Cards, and more. He will be left always wanting to learn more as he moves through the material in the distinct learning sections.
When you buy Reading Head Start, you will get number counting flashcards, bonus cursive cards, 58 free individual alphabet flashcards, and of course, a wide variety of digital resources, too.
Reading Head Start Pros & Cons
There are many advantages to using Reading Head Start. The program is backed by many positive and satisfied customer reviews, in fact. Here are some of the major benefits touted by reviewers – along with some of the most common complaints.
- Comes with access to the Reading Head Start platform: When you buy, you’ll get components such as interactive exercises, guidelines, and more so that you can get the results you want each and every time.
- Multiple free bonuses: You’ll get a variety of resources to help your child learn – at no extra cost to you. These include the Fun with Words book series, interactive reading games, and Incredible Reading Shortcuts.
- Kid-friendly: All of the Reading Head Start resources are designed so that they are kid-friendly and beneficial in every way imaginable.
- Affordable pricing: For a lifetime subscription to Reading Head Start, you’ll pay less than $300. For a one-year subscription, you’ll pay less than $200. And for a monthly trial, you can start at just $1. That’s it – $1! It’s only $37 per month if you decide to continue.
- Backed by a generous money-back guarantee: All Reading Head Start purchases are backed by a generous, full-year money-back guarantee.
- Great for dedicated parents: Whether you have hours to spend reading with your kid each day or just a few minutes, Reading Head Start will work for you.
- Safe: Some people suggest feeding your child supplements (or following herbal remedy concepts) in order to improve their cognition. This isn’t just harmful, but it’s also not guaranteed to work.
- Easy to use: All the guidelines are arranged so that they are easy for your child to understand what he is being taught. It is detailed and helps you educate your child to the fullest.
- Requires a lot of patience and a serious time commitment: You aren’t going to see overnight results with Reading Head Start. You really need to commit to the program in order to experience long lasting change. Each day, you will need to go through the guidelines with your child to make sure they are progressing appropriately.
- Only accessible online: This program is unfortunately not accessible offline. This can make it an opportunity for people who don’t have the Internet or those who don’t want to teach their children how to read using digital tools. The program does come, however, with several physical tools (like flashcards) you can use with your kids.
Does Reading Head Start Work?
If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to give your child a jumpstart on the skills they need to be successful adults, you should consider Reading Head Start. Reading is about more than just reacting words. Being a good reader will provide you with the competencies necessary to understand, absorb, and express information. You will be better at communicating with others and you’ll also have a stronger, more competent brain.
There are plenty of other programs that do what Reading Head Start does – but they are more expensive. As a busy, frugal parent, it’s likely important for you to be able to find resources that will help your child meet his goals, but that don’t require you to sacrifice as many of your hard-earned resources.
Reading Head Start is one such example. You may even find that you, as a parent, will learn things you didn’t know before. The exercises are easy to use and will help produce the building blocks toward a successful career and adulthood later in life. It’s not a scam like many of the other reading programs you’ll find online, and it can help prevent struggles in your child’s life.
The exercises are simple to comprehend, and everything is done so that it approaches reading in various dimensions. It’s perfect for kids who learn in unique ways, as well as those who have learning disabilities. It is a system based on rewards and games, so your kids will feel encouraged to keep progressing through the activities.
Reading Head Start is developed by a mother and teacher who has extensive hands-on experience in getting kids to learn how to read. So, as you might expect, it’s a fantastic resource that is scientifically backed and also backed by hundreds of satisfied customer reviews.
If you feel that your child is not reaching vital developmental or reading milestones, you may want to consider giving Reading Head Start a try. It may not work for everyone, but it definitely works for almost everyone.
Does your child make excuses to get out of reading? Would he rather do anything else than sit and flip through a book?
If so, it might be time to consider a reading intervention like Reading Head Start. As a scientifically-verified, easy-to-follow reading program, Reading Head Start requires less than an hour a week of total time, and it’s proven to work.
You’ll be able to spend valuable time with your child, and during these rewarding sessions, you’ll gain the skills necessary to be a better parent and teacher of your child – and he’ll emerge a stronger reader, too.